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Guatemala Arabica SHB - unroasted coffee beans - 1 kilo

Guatemala Arabica SHB Finca Oregano Caturra Honey - ongebrande koffiebonen
Choose the number of pieces:
  • 5 pieces
     21.97 109.85
  • 10 pieces
     21.52 215.20
  • 25 pieces
     21.06 526.50
  • 50 pieces
     20.39 1,019.50
Or get one for 22.65
All prices mentioned in this block include VAT.
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Medium-bodied, smooth and balanced coffee with notes of nuts, sweet honey and sugarcane.

This coffee is classified as SHB (Strictly Hard Bean) because the altitude and climate allow for slow growth and good bean development.

Please note: this is unroasted coffee that has yet to be roasted before consumption.


Diana and Hector work hard to develop their farms and use the best methods before and after the harvest. They have ensured that the coffee is carefully picked, sorted, pulped and dry fermented for 36 hours. Afterwards, the coffee is washed with a mechanical coffee washer, sorted in "caño colombiano" (washing canal), dried in patios and finished in a guardiola (mechanical dryer) for better homogenisation, reaching a humidity level of 10.5%.

Their focus is their community. They try to find ways to support people who depend on coffee production, such as buying 150 sheep that not only help keep their farm weed-free, but also provide food for their workers.

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BrandCafé du Jour
Produced inGuatemala
Reviews 13

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