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Social involvement


we are all responsible for a clean, habitable and safe environment. Café du jour does everything we can to make it the best for you. We ship packages as soon as possible, take care of retour packages the best we can and only distribute products were we stand behind ourselves.

We are aware that our bussines has an impact on the environment and our surroundings. Some of our products are manufactured in countries where the working conditions might be worse than here in The Netherlands. Your package might be delivered in a polluting delivery van. We also use lots of packing material to ship fragile products and regularly get products send back that are not in state to be sold again.

The negative impact we have on people, the environment and society is therefore made as small as possible. Although we are not a big company yet and the damage is fairly small we still do everything we can to give our activity a positive turn. This also means that we always think ahead how we can shrink down our impact in the future.

Restricting our impact

To keep our impact minimal we make consious choices on what and who we work with. We work with couriers who are aware of the environment and for example choose bike-delivery and green-gas vehicles and dare to experiment on being better for the environment. We also use, if possible packing material that is from recycled boxes or with the "Blaue Engel" quality mark. The products that we import are always from European countries that we know have good working conditions. The goods we recieve from other distributers all have a good reputation in fields like working conditions for factory employees as well as employees from the recources distributer.

Giving back

Every year Café du jour has products that are just beyond selling. For example because the season for this product has ended or because the product is nearing the expiration date. Luckily it rarely happens that we have to throw out products. Products are donated to people in need or foundations that help people in developing countries. Furthermore we also gift products with orders as extra for the costumer. Other products are sold under purchasing value or with discounts. We also sponsor clubs and non-profit organisations with for example sport-shirts or clothing.

More information or suggestions?

We would love to hear from you! The best way to reach us is to send us an email on [email protected] under the subject "social involvement" and your question or suggestion.





Cafe-du-jour.com is rated with 4.9 / 5 based on Google Customer Reviews